Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are located 30, Oba Akran Avenue, Genesis Plaza, opposite Ecobank, Ikeja Lagos State

How do I choose right career path?

Our IT counselors are on standby to counsel you and choose the right career that suits you most to conform to your inbuilt talent.

Does CVIT have other branches?

Yes, we do but only in Lagos Nigeria. (Ikeja, Ilupeju, Surulere, Ogba)

Does CVIT offer all ICT training program?

We offer virtually most of ICT courses that are lucrative for all our student

How do I pay?

Payment is required at the time of registration to reserve your place in class. We accept all major credit cards on POS and Online transfer.

How long is the class?

Each class is a one day class from 3hours per contact. The length of class may as well be varying depending on the size of the class and the practical session. Three session classes are also available (Morning, Afternoon & Evening)

How much are classes?

All our classes are affordable per class with the exception of private and corporate training. Please contact us for additional pricing.

What time does class start?

Class usually starts at 9 am sharp, unless otherwise stated.

What should I bring to class?

Nothing! You may want to bring materials for taking notes, or a sweater (we keep it cool for all the computers) but everything else will be given to you by your instructor.

Do we get any breaks?

There are two 5-minute breaks and 10mins for lunch. Conveniently there is a variety of food establishments within walking distance as well as fast food restaurants a couple meters away.

Is there a test at the end of class?

Yes, for us to be sure that you’ve really gained, you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the class.